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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by chronic abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits. 

However, not all IBS is the same; there are several subtypes, each with distinct symptoms and management strategies. 

Understanding your specific IBS subtype can help tailor treatment and improve symptom control. This blog post explores the different IBS subtypes, how to identify them, and evidence-based strategies for managing each type.

Identifying IBS Subtypes

IBS is generally classified into three main subtypes based on the predominant bowel habit:

  1. IBS with Constipation (IBS-C): Characterised by hard or lumpy stools and infrequent bowel movements.
  2. IBS with Diarrhoea (IBS-D): Characterised by frequent, loose, or watery stools.
  3. Mixed IBS (IBS-M): Characterised by alternating patterns of constipation and diarrhoea.

IBS with Constipation

IBS-C is characterised by infrequent, hard, and difficult-to-pass stools. This can lead to discomfort and bloating, making daily life challenging.

Dietary Changes
Increasing dietary fibre can help alleviate constipation. Soluble fibre, found in foods like oats, apples, and carrots, is generally better tolerated and effective for IBS-C. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that soluble fibre supplements significantly improved symptoms in IBS-C patients (Ford et al., 2014).

Adequate water intake is crucial for preventing and managing constipation. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep things moving smoothly.

Physical Activity
Regular exercise can help stimulate bowel movements. Activities like walking, jogging, and yoga are particularly beneficial for promoting regularity.

If dietary and lifestyle alteration is not effective, laxatives and stool softeners may be used for short-term relief if instructed by your doctor. For chronic constipation, prescription medications may be considered.

Certain probiotic strains have been shown to improve constipation symptoms in IBS-C patients. See a specialist dietitian for more direction on this.

IBS with Diarrhoea (IBS-D)

IBS-D involves frequent, loose, and watery stools, which can lead to urgency and abdominal pain.

Dietary Changes
A low FODMAP diet can help reduce diarrhoea and other IBS symptoms by avoiding foods that ferment in the gut and produce gas. According to a study published in Gastroenterology, 70% of IBS-D patients experienced symptom relief with a low FODMAP diet (Halmos et al., 2014).

Staying hydrated is essential when managing diarrhoea. Oral rehydration solutions or electrolyte drinks can help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance.

If dietary change is not effective, over-the-counter antidiarrheal medications like loperamide can provide short-term relief if directed by your doctor. For chronic diarrhoea, prescription medications may be used.

Certain probiotic strains have been shown to reduce diarrhoea and improve gut health in IBS-D patients. See a specialist dietitian for more direction on this.

Mixed IBS (IBS-M)

IBS-M is characterised by alternating symptoms of constipation and diarrhoea, making it one of the more complex subtypes to manage.

Dietary Changes
Since IBS-M involves alternating symptoms, a balanced diet that includes both soluble fibre and low FODMAP foods can be beneficial. Keeping a food diary to track triggers and symptoms can help manage this subtype effectively.

Stress Management
Stress can exacerbate IBS symptoms. Techniques like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) can help manage stress and improve symptoms.

Depending on the predominant symptom, medications used for IBS-C or IBS-D may be prescribed. See a specialist dietitian for more direction on this.

In Conclusion

Understanding the specific subtype of IBS you have is crucial for effective management. By identifying whether you have IBS-C, IBS-D or IBS-M, you can tailor your diet, lifestyle, and medical treatments to better control symptoms and improve your quality of life. 

Remember, managing IBS often requires a multifaceted approach, so consider combining dietary changes, stress management techniques, and appropriate medications under the guidance of a healthcare provider for the most effective relief! 


Ford, A. C., Moayyedi, P., Lacy, B. E., Lembo, A. J., Saito, Y. A., Schiller, L., ... & Quigley, E. M. M. (2014). American College of Gastroenterology Monograph on the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation. The American Journal of  Gastroenterology, 109(S1), S2-S26. DOI: 10.1038/ajg.2014.187.

Halmos, E. P., Power, V. A., Shepherd, S. J., Gibson, P. R., & Muir, J. G. (2014). A diet low in FODMAPs reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology, 146(1), 67-75.e5. DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2013.09.046.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not only influenced by dietary factors but also by psychological ones.

Stress and anxiety are known to exacerbate IBS symptoms, making stress management an essential component of IBS management

This blog post explores the connection between stress and IBS and offers actionable stress-relief techniques for those following a low FODMAP diet.

The Connection Between Stress and IBS

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, which governs the function of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Stress activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to the release of stress hormones such as cortisol.

These hormones can affect gut motility, increase intestinal permeability, and alter the gut microbiome, all of which can worsen IBS symptoms (Moloney et al., 2016).

Impact of Stress on IBS Symptoms

Research has shown that individuals with IBS often have heightened sensitivity to stress.

This can lead to a vicious cycle where stress exacerbates IBS symptoms, which in turn increases stress and anxiety. 

Common stress-related triggers include work pressure, financial concerns, and emotional distress (van Tilburg et al., 2013).

Actionable Stress Management Techniques for IBS Relief:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Practising mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress and improve IBS symptoms. Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can promote relaxation and reduce gut sensitivity (Zernicke et al., 2013).
  2. Regular Physical Activity: Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and improve gut motility. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, most days of the week.
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals manage stress and anxiety by changing negative thought patterns. Studies have shown that CBT can be effective in reducing IBS symptoms and improving quality of life (Lackner et al., 2018).
  4. Adequate Sleep: Poor sleep can increase stress levels and worsen IBS symptoms. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night by maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful sleep environment.
  5. Healthy Eating Habits: Following a low FODMAP diet can help manage IBS symptoms, but it's also important to eat regular, balanced meals and avoid skipping meals. Stressful eating patterns, such as eating on the go or under pressure, can exacerbate symptoms.
  6. Support Groups and Counseling: Talking to others who understand your experience can provide emotional support and stress relief. Consider joining an IBS support group or seeking counselling from a healthcare professional.

Stress management is a crucial aspect of managing IBS.

By incorporating mindfulness techniques, regular physical activity, cognitive behavioural therapy, adequate sleep, healthy eating habits, and seeking support, individuals with IBS can better manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. 

Balancing stress and dietary management, such as following a low FODMAP diet, can lead to a more holistic approach to IBS relief.


Lackner, J. M., Jaccard, J., & Baum, C. (2018). Patient-reported outcomes for irritable bowel syndrome are associated with patients' severity ratings of gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological factors. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16(4), 636-643.

Moloney, R. D., Johnson, A. C., O'Mahony, S. M., Dinan, T. G., & Cryan, J. F. (2016). Stress and the microbiota-gut-brain axis in visceral pain: relevance to irritable bowel syndrome. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 22(2), 102-117.

van Tilburg, M. A., Palsson, O. S., & Whitehead, W. E. (2013). Which psychological factors exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome? Development of a comprehensive model. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74(6), 486-492.

Zernicke, K. A., Campbell, T. S., Blustein, P. K., & Fung, T. S. (2013). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms: A randomized wait-list controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(3), 385-396.

Are you tired of battling recurring digestive issues that impact your daily life? You're not alone! 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gut disorder affecting millions worldwide!

In this blog post, we'll delve into the facts about IBS, exploring its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and management strategies.

So, grab yourself a cup of tea, relax, and let's explore all things IBS together.

So, what actually is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder primarily affecting the large intestine or colon.

It is characterised by a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

You might be wondering, what causes IBS? 

While the exact cause of IBS remains unclear, research suggests that abnormalities in gut-brain communication, an imbalance of bacteria in the gut, and altered intestinal function may contribute to its development [1].

However, more research is needed to uncover the exact causes of IBS.

Read more about causes of IBS here.

How is IBS diagnosed?

Accurate diagnosis of IBS involves a thorough evaluation by your healthcare professional. 

When you visit your healthcare professional, they'll dig into your medical history, give you a physical check-up, and maybe even run some tests to rule out any other nasties. They use a tool called the Rome IV criteria to figure out if your symptoms match the IBS profile [2].

Maintaining a symptom journal can also be helpful before seeing your Doctor or Dietitian, as it allows you to track patterns and provide valuable information about your food and bowel habits to help create a plan for you and your symptoms [3].

Unmasking Your Triggers 

Let’s talk triggers!

Often IBS symptoms stem from the digestion of foods that are high in fermentable carbohydrates, called FODMAPs.

While triggers of IBS can vary among individuals, certain lifestyle and dietary factors have commonly been associated with worsening symptoms!

Some basic lifestyle habits that may make your IBS worse:

Identifying personal food triggers is crucial for effectively managing your symptoms! This can be done with the help of a specialist Dietitian. 

Managing Your IBS Like A Boss

Now, let's talk about taking control of your IBS like a total boss. Although there's no magic cure for IBS, various strategies can help manage and alleviate symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life. 

Lifestyle modifications can play such a huge role in symptom control. I’m talking about stress management techniques such as:

These can all have a positive impact on IBS symptoms [4]. 

Eating a balanced diet is also an important contributor to symptom relief.

Some individuals find relief by adopting a low FODMAP diet, which involves reducing specific carbohydrates that can trigger symptoms [5], however, this should only be done under the guidance of a specialist Dietitian

To fine-tune your strategy, team up with a healthcare professional and registered dietitian who can help you customise your dietary changes to your unique needs.

Medications like antispasmodics or laxatives may be prescribed to target specific symptoms also, but again, it's crucial to work closely with your healthcare team and specialist Dietitian to determine the most suitable approach for your unique needs [6].

Staying Positive On Your IBS Journey

We know that dealing with a chronic condition like IBS can feel like a real challenge. But please remember, you're never alone in this journey! 

Reach out to your squad — family, friends, and even online communities where you can connect with fellow warriors who truly get what you're going through.

Sharing experiences, tips, and coping strategies can be a game-changer in managing the ups and downs of living with IBS. 

So, put on that smile, stay proactive, and make self-care your superpower on this IBS journey and don’t forget to reach out to your healthcare team and Dietitian to support you along the way!

Check out our library of resources created by our specialist Dietitian to help you on your journey to IBS freedom.

More Information


  1. Chey, W. D., Kurlander, J., & Eswaran, S. (2015). Irritable bowel syndrome: a clinical review. JAMA, 313(9), 949-958.
  2. Lacy, B. E., Mearin, F., Chang, L., Chey, W. D., Lembo, A. J., Simren, M., & Spiller, R. (2016). Bowel disorders. Gastroenterology, 150(6), 1393-1407.
  3. Palsson, O. S., Whitehead, W. E., van Tilburg, M. A., Chang, L., Chey, W., Crowell, M. D., ... & Lembo, A. (2016). Development and validation of the Rome IV diagnostic questionnaire for adults. Gastroenterology, 150(6), 1481-1491.
  4. Ford, A. C., Quigley, E. M., Lacy, B. E., Lembo, A. J., Saito, Y. A., Schiller, L. R., ... & Moayyedi, P. (2014). Efficacy of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics in irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idiopathic constipation: systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 109(10), 1547-1561.
  5. Staudacher, H. M., Whelan, K., & Irving, P. M. (2014). Lactose intolerance and the low-FODMAP diet. The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 29(3), 165-168.
  6. Chey, W. D., & Kurlander, J. (2015). Efficacy of the low FODMAP diet for treating irritable bowel syndrome: the evidence to date. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology, 8, 253-261.

While IBS is a chronic condition and may never truly resolve, there are several prevention strategies that individuals can implement to manage their symptoms effectively and live with IBS relatively freely. 

Here are some strategies that may help prevent IBS flare-ups.

1. Identify Personal Triggers

The first step in preventing IBS flare-ups is to identify your personal triggers. If you have not done this, it is time to see a specialist Dietitian and take this first step to finding relief: click here!

2. Follow a Low-FODMAP Diet Under Guidance

FODMAPs are certain types of carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, leading to symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea in people with IBS. 

Following a low-FODMAP diet can help reduce IBS symptoms, but this should only be followed for a maximum of 6 weeks unless otherwise directed by your Dietitian. It is recommended to work with a specialist dietitian to go through the low FODMAP process. Click here for our recommended specialist Dietitian.

3. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Eating smaller, more frequent meals, chewing food thoroughly, and avoiding trigger foods can help reduce the risk of IBS symptoms flaring up.

4. Stress Management 

Stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress levels and prevent IBS flare-ups. 

Regular exercise is also an effective stress management tool that can help improve digestion and prevent constipation.

5. Regular Exercise 

Low intensity exercise can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. Walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling are all effective forms of exercise.

6. Medications 

If you're taking medications that are causing IBS symptoms, talk to your Doctor or Dietitian about switching to a different medication or adjusting your dosage. 

In some cases, medications may be necessary to manage symptoms.

In conclusion

IBS flare-ups can be very uncomfortable, but with the help of a specialist dietitian to identify triggers and implement prevention strategies, we can help manage your symptoms effectively. 

If you want to learn more about how to resolve your IBS symptoms for good, identify your triggers and rebuild a healthy gut, visit @theibsprogram for more information! 

The IBS Program is a unique program with a proven framework designed to get you relief for your IBS symptoms as fast and as effectively as possible. 

Author: Ellen Kessling, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, IBS & FODMAP Specialist

Ellen is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian & Nutritionist specialising in women’s health, gastrointestinal health and the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. 

Ellen completed her 4-year Health Science Degree at the University of Adelaide, and then went on to complete her 2-year Master's degree in Nutrition & Dietetics at Flinders University. She is a trained Monash FODMAP Dietitian and has developed expertise in gut health and IBS management, and enjoys the area of women’s health, including skin, hormones, fertility, and pre & post pregnancy nutrition.

She loves treating all areas of women's health with a holistic and empathetic approach to practice and encourages sustainable, long-term changes rather than quick fixes. She has a focus on packages and programs in her practice to provide more ongoing, specialised care and support beyond what a 1:1 consultation can offer.

She believes a well-rounded, holistic approach to care leads to more effective and sustainable results in her clients.

Need more help? Download our free low FODMAP meal plan!

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 11% of the global population.

It is characterised by abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits, which can significantly impact a person's quality of life.

Despite being a common condition, the exact cause of IBS is not fully understood. However, researchers have made significant strides in recent years in identifying the potential causes of IBS.

In this post, we will explore the 7 causes of IBS, based on the latest research.

1. Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis

Dysbiosis refers to an imbalance in the gut bacteria, or microbiota.

The first cause of IBS is said to be the disrupted balance of the gut microbiota which is a collection of microorganisms that reside in the human gut. Dysbiosis, or alterations in the gut microbiota, may play a role in the development of IBS.

Studies have shown that patients with IBS have a less diverse gut microbiota compared to healthy individuals.

Additionally, changes in the abundance of specific bacteria, such as increased levels of Methanobrevibacter smithii and decreased levels of Bifidobacterium, have been observed in patients with IBS (1).

2. Intestinal Inflammation

Intestinal inflammation has been identified as the second potential cause of IBS.

Studies have shown that patients with IBS have increased levels of inflammatory markers in their blood and stool samples (2).

Additionally, some patients with IBS have been found to have increased intestinal permeability, which may allow harmful substances to enter the bloodstream and trigger an immune response (2).

3. Food Intolerances

The third cause of IBS is prolonged food intolerances. Food intolerances are a common trigger for IBS symptoms.

Certain foods, such as those high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs), can cause digestive discomfort in some individuals.

A low FODMAP diet has been shown to improve symptoms in patients with IBS (3).

4. Infection and Parasites

In some cases, IBS can be triggered by an infection or parasite in the gut. This is known as post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS). This is the fourth cause of IBS.

Studies have shown that individuals who develop PI-IBS after an infection may have changes in the gut microbiota, increased intestinal permeability, and immune activation (4).

5. Psychological Triggers

Psychological triggers, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, have been identified as potential causes of IBS.

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system between the central nervous system and the gut. It plays a crucial role in the regulation of gastrointestinal function, including motility, secretion, and immune response (5).

Psychological stress can disrupt the gut-brain axis and lead to the development of IBS symptoms.

Studies have shown that patients with IBS have higher levels of psychological distress compared to healthy individuals (5).

Chronic stress and anxiety can increase intestinal permeability, activate the immune system, and alter the gut microbiota, all of which may contribute to the development of IBS symptoms.

Additionally, depression has been found to be a risk factor for the development of IBS (5).

6. Prolonged Use of Antibiotics

Prolonged use of antibiotics has been associated with the development of IBS.

Antibiotics can alter the gut microbiota, leading to dysbiosis and potentially causing IBS symptoms.

A study found that individuals who had received more then three courses of antibiotics had a significantly increased risk of developing IBS compared to those who had received fewer courses (6).

7. Genetics

Genetics may also play a role in the development of IBS.

Studies have shown that there may be a genetic predisposition to IBS, with certain genetic variants being associated with an increased risk of developing the condition (7).

However, more research is needed to fully understand the genetic factors underlying IBS.


While the exact cause of IBS is not fully understood, researchers have made significant strides in identifying the 7 potential causes of IBS, a common gastrointestinal disorder.

Dysbiosis, intestinal inflammation, food intolerances, infection and parasites, psychological triggers, prolonged use of antibiotics, and genetics have all been identified as potential causes of IBS.

Further research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms behind these potential causes and to develop more effective treatments for this condition.


What to do if you have IBS?

Download a FREE low FODMAP meal plan and get started with your symptom relief today.

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