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Skin Health & Acne

Nutrition & Skin Health

Your skin health can be influenced by your diet, and certain foods can exacerbate acne and other skin conditions. At My Dietitian Clinic, we can help you identify which foods may be contributing to your deeper skin problems and develop a customised nutrition plan to support healthy, clear skin.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and serves as a protective barrier between our internal organs and the external environment.

Several factors can affect skin health, including genetics, lifestyle factors, gut health, hormones and nutrition.

There is a strong link between nutrition and skin health and how certain skin conditions can be improved through changes in diet.

The food we consume plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. Nutrients obtained from food provide building blocks for healthy skin cells and help protect the skin from damage caused by the sun, pollution, and other environmental factors.

Clear Skin Package - $320

The clear skin package option allows an in-depth audit of your current diet and lifestyle to identify what may be contributing to your skin problems, and develop a customised evidence-based nutrition plan to fill the gaps and support the development of healthy, clear skin.
Enquire Via The Form Below
7-Day Food Diary Audit
1 x Initial Consultation
Tailored Education & Resources
1 x Detailed Food & Supplement Plan
7 Day Skin Health Meal Plan + Recipes
Additional 25 Skin Healthy Recipe Ebook
(Total Value $380)

Essential nutrients that contribute to healthy skin

Vitamin A - This nutrient is crucial for skin cell growth and repair. It helps prevent dry skin and premature ageing and contributes to the production of sebum, which keeps the skin moisturised.

Vitamin C - This nutrient is an antioxidant that protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also plays a role in collagen production, which helps keep the skin firm and supple.

Vitamin E - This nutrient is also an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from damage. It also helps moisturise the skin and prevent dryness.

Zinc - This mineral is essential for skin health, as it regulates oil production and prevents acne. It also plays a role in wound healing and immune function.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Omega-3 fatty acids are known to decrease inflammation. There is evidence that adequate consumption of omega-3 fats and fish oil is associated with an improvement in overall acne severity, especially for individuals with moderate to severe acne. Learn how to incorporate more omega-3 fats through your diet in the skin health program.

Other Factors that influence skin health

Low Glycemic Foods - A high glycaemic index (GI) diet has been shown to increase insulin release and can worsen acne. Shifting your diet to include high fibre, low GI foods can improve glycemic control and acne management. In the skin health program, we go through what foods to include and avoid when it comes to GI, fibre and sugar.

Gut Health - Prebiotics and probiotics are incorporated daily in the skin health program to bring good bacteria back into the gut and create a healthy environment to help reduce inflammation and improve skin health. Food sources of probiotics found in cultured products are live bacteria that help boost your immune system and fight off bad bacteria. Prebiotics found in certain fruits, vegetables and legumes, support digestive health by feeding the good bacteria.

Lifestyle Factors - In addition to diet, several lifestyle factors can contribute to healthy skin. Staying hydrated, using sun protection, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and engaging in regular exercise are all essential for optimal skin health. These lifestyle habits can help maintain skin moisture, protect against sun damage, promote skin cell regeneration, reduce stress and inflammation, and improve blood flow to the skin. While genetics and age also influence skin health, adopting these healthy lifestyle habits can promote healthy, vibrant skin at any age.

Clear Skin Package - $320

The clear skin package option allows an in-depth audit of your current diet and lifestyle to identify what may be contributing to your skin problems, and develop a customised evidence-based nutrition plan to fill the gaps and support the development of healthy, clear skin.
Enquire Via The Form Below
7-Day Food Diary Audit
1 x Initial Consultation
Tailored Education & Resources
1 x Detailed Food & Supplement Plan
7 Day Skin Health Meal Plan + Recipes
Additional 25 Skin Healthy Recipe Ebook
(Total Value $380)

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